" Take care of the trees, they will take care of you." 🌳💐🌷💕

छायाम् अन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयम् आतपे |
फलन्त्यपि परार्थाय वृक्षा: सत्पुरुषा इव ||

Chhaayaam anyasya kurvanti tiShThanti svayam aatape
phalantyapi paraarthaaya vrukshaa-haa sat-puruShaa iva

Meaning: (They) give shade (chhaayaa) to others (anya), while standing (tiShThanti) in the heat (sun) themselves. They bear fruits (phala) for the benefit of others (paraarthaaya),—trees are like (iva) the virtuous (sat-puruSha).

There are very, very few in this world who work like this. They work hard, day and night, every second of their life, just for the benefit of others. They take all the brunt on to their bodies, their minds, their hearts, but make sure that others around them are happy. Unmindful of any pains or troubles they have to bear, they work hard to make sure that we grow & we develop. 

They provide shade & fruits even to those who throw stones at them. This is their greatness.

And all this time when they are taking all the heat and providing us shade, they are almost invisible. They make themselves unnoticeable. Even if noticed, they do not let themselves be acknowledged or thanked... passing on all the gratitude, fame and  attention to their higher authority.

Trees take nothing from men... only a little water from the ground and sunlight from the sun. Similarly, the virtuous (sat-purusha) take nothing from society, but derive their strength from the higher powers. And they grow strong, very strong... strong enough to bear the weight of fruits to provide for the people around them. They live only to give, and they strengthen themselves only to provide for others. Their only object in life is the growth and nourishment of others—others whom they know or do not know, others who behave well or otherwise, others who worship them or throw stones. They personify pure, unexpectational & unconditional love towards every creation of God. That is true virtue.

Some of us may have been fortunate to have heard about or seen such a vruksha in their lifetime, some even more fortunate may have met such a vruKsha, and some of us might have the good fortune of having such vrukShas around us even now. 

Let their untiring efforts, their unshakable strength and their loving shade, be an inspiration to us to become such a sat-purusha ourselves


Santoshkumar B Pandey at 1.31Pm.


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