Happy Earth Day April 22 :- Bhoomi Sukta

Happy Earth Day - Bhoomi Sukta :

Bhoomi is upheld by Divine forces and Penance:
Bhoomi is the Witness of our Past, Present and Future:

The Hindu approach to ecology requires that we first understand how Hindu Dharma views the world of nature, which is very different than that of the predominant western religions.

The Hindu view of nature is based upon the Vedas, Upanishads and Vedanta and their philosophical views, as well as Hindu devotional and ritualistic practices. According to Hindu thought, there is no separation between the Divine and the world of nature. They are the two aspects of the same reality. The cosmic reality is one like the ocean. Nature or the manifest world is like the waves on the surface of the sea. Brahman or the unmanifest Absolute is like the depths of the sea. But it is all water, all the same single ocean.

Ultimately for the Hindu as the Upanishads say, “Everything is Brahman,” Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma. This does not mean that the informed Hindu mindlessly worships the forces of nature on an outer level out of superstition and fear. The Hindu perceives a Divine and sacred presence working behind the forms of nature as their inner spirit, which is the real object of their adoration.

The sacred presence of Brahman, or the Supreme Divine Reality, is there in God, what is called Ishvara or the cosmic lord in Hindu thought. Yet it is also present in the soul or reincarnating entity, what is called the Jiva as our higher Self. And, it is present in the world of nature, Jagat. God, soul and the world are aspects of One Reality, but not in a limited way. Each shares the entirety of the underlying Reality. Each is sacred and holds the same deeper nature of Being, Consciousness and Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). The Hindu Yogi can discern the same supreme Reality in the human being, a snake, a particle of dust or a distant star, as well as beyond all time and space!

This Vedic vision of unity is the basis for an ecological approach in which we can honor the entire universe as part of our own higher Self. It takes us beyond the duality of God and the creation. God does not create the world out of nothing. The world, God and the soul are inherent aspects of the same Eternal Being. We need not protect nature as we would an inferior creature. We can honor nature as our own greater life and expression.

Bhoomi Sukta :
सत्यं बृहदृतमुग्रं दीक्षा तपो ब्रह्म यज्ञः पृथिवीं धारयन्ति ।
सा नो भूतस्य भव्यस्य पत्न्युरुं लोकं पृथिवी नः कृणोतु ॥१॥

(Satyam Brhad-Rtam-Ugram Diikssaa Tapo Brahma Yajnyah Prthiviim Dhaarayanti |
Saa No Bhuutasya Bhavayasya Patny[i]-Urum Lokam Prthivii Nah Krnnotu ||1||)

1.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) The Truth (Satyam), the Cosmic Divine Law (Ritam), the Spiritual Passion manifested in Mighty Initiations, Penances and self dedications to the search of Brahman (by the sages); these have sustained the Mother Earth for ages (Who in turn have supported these in Her Bosom),
1.2: She, Who is to us the Consort of the Past and the Future (being its witness), May She expand our inner life in this World towards the Cosmic Life (through Her Purity and Vastness).
- Atharva Veda 12.1.

सत्यं बृहदृतमुग्रं दीक्षा तपो ब्रह्म यज्ञः पृथिवीं धारयन्ति ।
सा नो भूतस्य भव्यस्य पत्न्युरुं लोकं पृथिवी नः कृणोतु ॥१॥
Satyam Brhad-Rtam-Ugram Diikssaa Tapo Brahma Yajnyah Prthiviim Dhaarayanti |
Saa No Bhuutasya Bhavayasya Patny[i]-Urum Lokam Prthivii Nah Krnnotu ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Mother Earth) The Truth (Satyam), the Cosmic Divine Law (Ritam), the Spiritual Passion manifested in Mighty Initiations, Penances and self dedications to the search of Brahman (by the sages); these have sustained the Mother Earth for ages (Who in turn have supported these in Her Bosom),
1.2: She, Who is to us the Consort of the Past and the Future (being its witness), May She expand our inner life in this World towards the Cosmic Life (through Her Purity and Vastness).

Bhoomi is upheld by Divine forces:
1. Bhoomi is held by Cosmic Divine Laws.
2. Devas protect Bhoomi sleeplessly with vigilience.
3. The sages found that the Heart of Bhoomi lies in the highest Spiritual Sky.
4. The Aswins measured out the Bhoomi, Vishnu strode on Her and Indra made Her soul free from enemies.
5. Shri Hari Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha Avatara to rescue the Earth.
6. Sage Kapila burnt the sixty thousand sons of king Sagara to ashes who violently dug the Earth.

Bhoomi flourishes in the presence of Dharma, Penance and Divine personages:
1. Bhoomi is held by the Penance to realize Brahman.
2. Bhoomi flourished in Hastinapur by the grace of Sri Krishna.
3. Bhoomi flourished during the reign of king Yudhishthira.
4. Bhoomi flourished in Dwarka by the presence of Sri Krishna.

Bhoomi degrades in the absence of Dharma and Penance:
1. During the advent of Kali, both Dharma in the form of Bull and Bhoomi in the form of Cow were reduced to one leg.
2. During the reign of king Prithu, the Earth hid the food grains due to the absence of Dharma and Spiritual Practices among the citizens.
3. When demon Durgama took hold of the Vedas, Sandhyas and Homas stopped, and this lead to the absence of Rains and Famine.

Bhoomi is the Witness of our Past, Present and Future:
1. Bhoomi is the consort of our Past and Future.
2. In Bhoomi our Forefathers lived and performed their activities in earlier times.
3. Nature and Dharma are the witness of the activities of living entities.

SantoshKumar B Pandey at 7.02Am.


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